
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Developing nursing standards of practice Essay

The well-worns of practice for the RN atomic number 18 made up by the state bill of nursing that the nurse lives in. It is each nurses responsibility to know and protrude by their receiveds of practice for their state. Each state develops their standards of practice by by-line guidelines that the American Nurses Association (ANA) provides. The ANA has a committee on Nursing employment Standards and Guidelines that has a duty to clarify the role and relationships that be associated with regulation of all(prenominal) nursing practice (ANA, n.d.). The model recognizes the contributions of professional and specialty nursing organizations, educational institutions, credentialing and accrediting organizations, and regulatory agencies clarifies the role of workplace policies and procedures and confirms the individual nurses last-ditch responsibility and accountability for defining nursing practice (ANA, n.d.). There are 5 essential entities that are involved with developing a sta ndard of practice. They are knowledge, role validation, competency and skill, environment, and ethics (Klein, 2005). As a standard of practice is being developed, there are questions for each entity that can be asked. For exampleKnowledgeDid I complete a program that nimble me to see this population (family, adult, pediatric) of patients? (Klein, 2005) Role ValidationIs additional licensure or credentials required to do this skill on an ongoing or specialize basis? (Klein, 2005) Competence and SkillHow have I maintained competence? (Klein, 2005) EnviromentDoes the environment that I work in support this scope or practice through structures such as staffing, consultation, policies and procedures, protocols, and community standards? (Klein, 2005) EthicsWhat are the potential consequences of accepting treatment responsibility for this patient? (Klein, 2005) In conclusion, the board of nursing wants the practicing nurse to be fully competent in their work. This is a direction of how they determine the standards of practice that we follow.American Nurses Association. Determining Scope of practice session for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses.Retrieved August 6, 2014, from http//www.nursingworld.org/ScopeofPractice Klein, T. A. (2005). Scope of Practice and the Nurse practician Regulation, Competency, Expansion andEvolution. 1-2.

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